Are you interested to know how we decide upon our product prices?

When you compare the price of a French Consul linen tea towel, for example, to say cotton fabric or something made in China or from a big homewares store or large label, we basically can’t compete. Companies that mass manufacture on a large scale, and/or in countries known for cheap mass production, can always offer you cheaper prices.
It was a clear decision from the start for us, however, to be carefully and consciously friendly to the planet and artisan made, to support people regarded for centuries of quality linen production, and in countries that meant something, hopefully, to you, and also personally to me, being half British! Thanks Dad ♥️

Making our quality homewares means our prices are calculated based on paying our French farmers, Irish linen weavers, Irish and Australian sewing teams, the small Aussie business that makes our labels and swing tags, international freight, tax and import duty, local sales tax, freight packaging, our team members who help me pack and post your orders, and finally me as a designer and business owner who creates the product and linen fabric concepts and pays for the essentials required to have a business run every day – website, web hosting, phone costs, internet, electricity etc!

When I think about all the amazing people and talent and logistics in our pipeline, it gets me thinking…if you’re buying a $5 or $10 tea towel, how well are all those people being paid? And do big companies and mass producers benefit from discounts that only the big guys get? Of course, they do.
Our tea towels sell for $36 only because that’s the actual cost of paying all those wonderful people who so beautifully make your French Consul Provencal Tea Towels possible.